Who you callin’ a lowlife miscreant? Hey, it’s a compliment!
Posted Saturday, August 14, 2010 03:05 AM

While looking at Carol Kemp's new pictures, I just happened to notice Bill Mills's month-old comment about my comment.  It's too easy to miss stuff around the website.  We really have to get the website people to make a home page module that reports all changes in the website, not just the profile updates.  We'll work on it.

And speaking of lowlife miscreants, I have to tell a little Bill Mills story.  It’s not much, but it's perfectly Bill - and what’s impressive about it is that Miss Blackledge, the teacher in our third grade overflow class, was the scariest teacher at Washington.  All of us, at least all the normal kids, were afraid to breathe in that class.  Miss Blackledge often had us take turns standing in the front of the classroom and reading aloud to the rest of the class.  Keep in mind this is third grade – eight-year-olds.  And we were reading material we hadn’t seen before.  During one of Bill’s turns he read the word “mucus” in the middle of a sentence.  Without pausing, he looked up at the class and said with a straight face, “in other words, snot” and then continued reading.  It was probably one of the funniest and most amazing things that happened in grade school, but I don’t remember if anyone had the nerve to laugh.  And I don’t remember Miss Blackledge’s reaction.  I’d like to know if anyone else remembers anything about this incident.