Lesson 1. Bare Bones Basics (Hey, that's all I know so far.)
Posted Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:26 PM

This is a draft.  It will be vastly improved later. 

Ten-year-olds have the best strategy - push buttons and see what happens.  But if you're over 10, here is some minimal information to get you started. The main thing to know is screw-ups can be corrected

Forums appear in red in the left column of the High Life Forum page. 

Clicking on one of the Forums will show you all of the Topics that classmates have entered in that Forum. 

Clicking on a Topic will show you all of the Posts that classmates have written about that Topic.  Posts on a Topic include the initial entry on the Topic and all of the Replies

To reply to a Topic or a Post, click on any of the Reply buttons.  As far as I can see, they all do the same thing.  Quoted Reply copies the entire Post that you're replying to into your Reply.  You can then cut it down to the part you want to quote.  You can edit or delete your Replies at any time. 

To add a new Topic, click on Post New Topic.  When you enter the first Post on your new Topic, the Topic and Post automatically have the same title.  They can be edited separately later.  You can delete the whole Topic and your initial Post until someone replies.  You can edit your initial Post at any time. 

To add a new Forum, contact Carolyn Geiman Wilson.  She made up the forum names so far, but more are always welcome.