McP’s Friendly Citizen
Posted Monday, September 13, 2010 02:54 AM
Well, this forum is taking an interesting direction. I didn’t intend for it to be about great McPherson characters, but here we go. I had never heard of Mae Smyers, but Anita’s terrific story about her reminded me of another unusual woman whom I also didn’t know about when I lived in McP. At least I think she was unusual for McP. My mother decided I was old enough to know about this woman when I was about 50. 
OK, show of hands now, how many have heard of Snerpy? Is that a great name? I'm pretty sure I got that right. According to common knowledge, which is commonly known to be infallible in McP, she was literally the proverbial two-bit whore. As I recall the story, she lived somewhere near McP but came into town frequently. At that time (‘30s?) she was the only woman in McP who was known to dye her hair, and that was nearly as scandalous as her occupation. And that’s the extent of my knowledge about her. Anybody out there know any more?